AFK Arena codes can offer a multitude of prizes and bonus items to help you get stronger in this mobile RPG. You must battle numerous enemies throughout the game and you'll need to collect various items along the way to help you do so. However, some of these items are easier to find than others and this where codes come in.
Lilith Games routinely adds new AFK Arena codes that give you free goods ranging from diamonds to gold and, less commonly, hero’s scrolls and essence. These tend to go live once a new month rolls around, though some linger past month's end. Our comprehensive list will show you all of the working and expired codes, as well as the rewards you can gain from redeeming them. Make sure to check back here regularly to see what's new!
How do I redeem AFK Arena codes?
Lilith Games has you redeem AFK Arena codes on an external website now, and it's a bit of a process:
In the app, click your character in the top left of the screen and note down your UID
Then click 'Settings' and 'Verification code', and note this down too
Submit in your UID and Verification Code
And on the next screen type in the code
And finally, go back to the app and you'll find your rewards in your Mail
NEW CODE : 8mjeki46pm This icon is by: